National Identity of chinese overseas student

Dublin Core


National Identity of chinese overseas student


Yisu Hu




Since 21st century, with the development of global and China’s economy, an increasing number of Chinese students preferred study abroad. Chinese oversea students are very special group. They were influenced by the traditional Chinese culture and education. They also accept Western education and thought. This research aims to investigate whether the study-abroad experience will affect Chinese oversea students’ national identity. 35 Chinese students who are studying in UK and 35 Chinese students who are studying in China completed the questionnaire which assessed national identity. All questionnaires sent to the participants by email. According to the results of this study, Chinese students who are studying in UK did not show significant differences in national identity by compared with the Chinese students who are studying in China. Results of current study also indicated that Chinese students’ ethnocentrism scores were marginally higher than Chinese oversea students.


The national identity was assessed using the National Identity Scale. The National Identity Scale has five factors: membership, private, public, Identity and comparison. On a 7-point Liker Scale, participants reported their agreement (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree) with items.

Ethnocentrism was measured with the Revised Ethnocentrism Scale, on a 5-point Liker scale, participants indicated their agreement (1 = strongly disagree, 5 = strongly agree) with statements.


Lancaster University




Eleni Sevastopoulou







Tamara Rakic

Project Level



Social Psychology

Sample Size

Two groups of participants took part in this research. One group is the students who studying in the United Kingdom, they are from the Mainland of China, were studying in a one year taught Master’s course and had no previous experience of learning in any western countries. 50 Chinese oversea students who are studying in UK were invited to take part in this research, and 40 of these students done the questionnaire, 5 of the 40 questionnaires are uncompleted. Finally, a total of 35 questionnaires were valid. Another group is the Chinese students who studying in China, they are also from the Mainland of China, were studying in taught Master’s course, and they had no experience of learning in any other countries. 42 Chinese students who are studying in China were invited to take part in this research, all of them done the questionnaire, but 7 of the questionnaires were uncompleted, at last, 35 valid questionnaires were used in this research.

Statistical Analysis Type

independent-samples t-tests



Yisu Hu, “National Identity of chinese overseas student,” LUSTRE, accessed April 19, 2024,