Codebook SubjectID = Participant Number Product = Product category (Car or Drink) Differencescore = Difference in purchase behaviour score (post questionnaire score minus pre questionnaire score) Antisaccadelatency = Antisaccade latency score (how long it takes participants to look to the correct antisaccade latency (ms)) Antisaccadepercentcorrect = Antisaccade error rate (the number of times participants shifted their attentional focus to the correct antisaccade location) Stroop = Stroop effect (how long it takes participants to select correct incongurent stroop word ink colour minus how long it takes participants to select correct congruent stroop word ink colour (ms)) Acescore = Addenbrookes Cognitive Examination score out of 100 Prosaccadelatency = prosaccade latency (how long it takes participants to look at the prosaccade location (ms)) LEDD = Levodopa equivalent daily dose (the amount of dopamine in a Parkinson?s disease participant?s body)