Hemispheric Lateralisation of Facial Emotion Processing: A Possible Explanation of Atypical Empathetic Responses in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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Hemispheric Lateralisation of Facial Emotion Processing: A Possible Explanation of Atypical Empathetic Responses in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder


Lydia Brooks




Existing research suggests that children with autism are endowed with a significant delay in the lateralisation of facial emotion processing (Taylor et al., 2012), and that this delay is associated with some of the social and emotional based deficits that manifest within the disorder. The present study therefore aimed to ascertain the reliability of Taylor et al.’s (2012) findings by determining whether the strength of lateralisation for facial emotion processing differs between children with and without autism, while also determining whether this difference can explain atypical empathetic responses in children with autism. To explore these aims, an online version of the chimeric face task was administered to 11 neurotypical children and 5 children with a diagnosis of autism. The Child Empathy Quotient was completed by parents of all children, and The Autism Quotient – Children’s Version was completed by parents of children with autism. Results indicated that there was no significant difference in the strength of hemispheric lateralisation for facial emotion processing between children with and without autism, and that the strength of lateralisation did not predict a child’s level of empathy, nor did a child’s autism severity. Instead, levels of empathy were best predicted by an individual’s diagnostic status and age. The present study was therefore unable to support the finding of Taylor et al. (2012) or explain empathy deficits in the autistic population. However, the limitations identified in this study help to inform future research on the relationship between the lateralisation of facial emotion processing and empathy.


Hemispheric Lateralisation, Emotion Processing, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Empathy, Chimeric Face Task


Participants were recruited from mainstream primary schools, wrap around care settings and specialist educational provisions in the Lancashire area, as well as via social media. A total of 22 parents completed the required questionnaires on behalf of their children, out of which 17 parents arranged a date and time for their child to complete the chimeric face task. One child, who is non-verbal and has received a diagnosis of ASD had difficulty completing the task and selected responses impulsively without looking at, or taking sufficient time to consider, the facial stimuli and the emotion it depicted. For this reason, the chimeric face task was terminated prior to completion and the child’s data was not included in the analysis.
The final sample of participants consisted of 16 children aged between 5- and 10-years-old, of which 5 had received a formal diagnosis of ASD (5 boys; Mage = 6.8, SDage = 1.48). One child with ASD had a comorbid diagnosis of hypermobility and sensory processing disorder. All children with ASD were reported to speak English at home, one child was left-hand dominant, and four children were right-hand dominant.
The remaining participants were 11 typically developing children (6 girls, 5 boys; Mage = 7.0, SDage = 1.90), who had not been diagnosed with any neurodevelopmental disorders. One of these children was reported to speak Russian at home, however, is fluent in English. All children in the typically developing group were right-hand dominant.
A two-factor between-subjects experimental design was employed to determine whether the strength of hemispheric lateralisation for facial emotion processing differs between children with and without a diagnosis of ASD. The independent variable for this research question was diagnostic status, a between-subject factor, with two groups; ASD and typically developing. Participants were assigned to one of these groups based on their diagnostic status, which was ascertained by their parent’s responses on the demographic questionnaire. The dependent variable for this research question was the strength of hemispheric lateralisation for facial emotion processing which was measured using the chimeric face task.
A three-factor mixed-subjects predictive correlational design was employed to determine whether a child’s diagnostic status, and strength of hemispheric lateralisation for facial emotion processing can predict a child’s level of empathy. The predictor variables for this research question were diagnostic status, a between-subject factor (typically developing or ASD), and the strength of hemispheric lateralisation for facial emotion processing, a within-subject factor. The outcome variable for this design was empathy, a within-subject factor, measured by the Child Empathy Quotient.
Demographic Questionnaire
Materials. The online demographic questionnaire (see Appendix A) was comprised of eight questions. Three of which required parents of the participants to input a response, these questions were used to determine the child’s age (in years), month of birth, and year of birth. The remaining questions were multiple choice, and therefore, required parents to select an answer out of 2-4 possible answer options. These questions acquired information including the child’s gender (male or female), dominant hand (left, right or don’t know/no preference), the language used in their home environment (English or other) and diagnostic status (formal diagnosis of ASD or no formal diagnosis of ASD). If the child did not speak English at home, then parents were required to input the language predominantly spoken. Parents who confirmed that their child had received a formal diagnosis of ASD were asked to input any comorbid diagnoses their child had received, so that they could be considered in the analysis. Parents who confirmed that their child had not received a diagnosis of ASD were asked if their child had received a diagnosis of any other neurodevelopmental disorders, this question was used for exclusionary purposes.
Procedure. Completion of the questionnaire took approximately 2 minutes. Following completion of the questionnaire participants were excluded from the study and unable to proceed to the next stage if they did not meet the age criterion, or if they had not received a diagnosis of ASD but had received a diagnosis of another developmental disorder.
The Child Empathy Quotient (Auyeung et al., 2009)
Materials. The Child Empathy Quotient (EQ-Child) is a parent report questionnaire composed of 27 items (see Appendix B) used to measure a child’s level of empathy. This questionnaire was developed by Auyeung et al. (2009) using the adapted version of The Adult Empathy Quotient (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004), individual items have therefore been modified and made applicable and relevant to children. The items therefore refer to behaviours, responses or difficulties commonly exhibited or experienced by children, e.g., ‘My child shows concern when others are upset’. Parents had to indicate the extent to which they agreed with each item by selecting one of the following options on a four-point Likert scale; ‘definitely agree’, ‘slightly agree’, ‘slightly disagree’, and ‘definitely disagree’.
The EQ-Child has previously been completed by parents of neurotypical children, and children with ASD, aged between 4- and 11-years-old. The pilot study conducted by Auyeung et al. (2009) yielded findings indicative of a high-internal consistency and good test-retest reliability, and the patterns of results were consistent with those found in adult research (Baron-Cohen & Wheelwright, 2004).
Procedure. All parents were required to complete the EQ-Child, which took approximately 5 minutes. The order the questionnaire items were presented in remained consistent between parents and parents were unable to proceed to the next part of the study before they had provided a response for all 27 items.
Scoring. Parental responses on individual questionnaire items were converted into numerical points and summed together to calculate an empathy score for each child. For the following numbered items; 1, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25, a response of ‘definitely agree’ equalled 2, ‘slightly agree’ equalled 1, and, ‘slightly disagree’ or ‘definitely disagree’ equalled 0. The remaining items were reverse coded. The maximal attainable empathy score was 54, the higher the score, the more empathetic a child is perceived to be by the adult completing the questionnaire. The scoring method applied in this study is consistent with the scoring method used, and detailed, in Auyeung et al. (2009). See Appendix B for the 27 items, and their corresponding item number.
The Autism Spectrum Quotient – Children’s Version (Auyeung et al., 2008)
Materials. The Autism Spectrum Quotient – Children’s Version (AQ-Child) developed by Auyeung et al. (2008) is a parent report questionnaire composed of 50 items (see Appendix C), used to quantitatively measure autistic traits in children aged between 4- and 11-years-old. The items in the AQ-Child are derived from the Autism Spectrum Quotient – Adult’s Version (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001) and the Autism Spectrum Quotient – Adolescent’s Version (Baron-Cohen et al., 2006), however, they have been revised and adapted to be pertinent to children. The items therefore refer to scenarios and behaviours that children are likely to have experienced or exhibited, e.g., ‘S/he would rather go to a library than a birthday party’. Parents indicated how strongly they agreed with each descriptive statement by selecting one of the following responses on a four-point Likert scale; ‘definitely agree’, ‘slightly agree’, ‘slightly disagree’ and ‘definitely disagree’.
Previous studies have administered the AQ-Child to parents of children with ASD, aged between 5- and 11-years-old (Auyeung et al., 2008). Administration of the AQ-Child has been reported to have excellent test-retest reliability and a high alpha and reliability coefficient.
This questionnaire was only completed by the parents of children with a diagnosis of ASD, all of whom were unable to proceed to the next stage of the study until they had provided an answer for all 50 items. This questionnaire took approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. The order of items remained constant between parents.
Scoring. For each child reported to have a diagnosis of ASD, a total AQ score was calculated. Total scores were calculated by converting responses on the four-point Likert scale into numerical scores and summing them together. For the following items 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 47, 48, 49 and 50, a response of ‘definitely agree’ equalled 0, ‘slightly agree’ equalled 1, ‘slightly disagree’ equalled 2, and ‘definitely disagree’ equalled 3. The remaining items were reverse scored. The higher the overall score, the greater number of autistic traits exhibited and endowed by the child. See Appendix C for the 50 items, and their corresponding item number.
The Chimeric Face Task
Materials. The chimeric face task is a widely used measure of the lateralisation of facial emotion processing. Chimeric faces are composite visual stimuli that are made by splitting two symmetrically averaged images of a face vertically down the middle and combining them together to depict a different emotional expression in each hemiface. The chimeric faces and the symmetrically averaged images used in this study derive from the work of Michael Burt (Burt & Perrett, 1997; Innes et al., 2016), and are supplied by Parker et al. (2021) via Gorilla Open Materials: https://gorilla.sc/openmaterials/104636.
In the practice trail, two symmetrically averaged images of male faces and two chimeric faces were used, these faces depicted the emotions fear and surprise. A further 12 chimeric faces were used in the experimental trial, which depicted all possible combinations of the emotion’s happiness, sadness, anger and disgust. Four symmetrically averaged images of male faces depicting these emotions were also used. See Figure 2 for the stimuli used in the experimental trial.
Figure 2. The Facial Stimuli used in the Experimental Trial of the Chimeric Face Task
Note. The 16 facial stimuli presented to children during the experimental trial of the chimeric face task, including the four symmetrically averaged faces depicting the emotions happiness, sadness, anger and disgust, and the 14 possible combinations of these four symmetrically averaged faces. Adapted from “A leftward bias however you look at it: Revisiting the emotional chimeric face task as a tool for measuring emotional lateralisation” by B. R. Innes, D. M. Burt, Y. K. Birch, and M. Hausmann, 2016, Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 21(4-6), p. 649, supplied by “Assessing the reliability of an online behavioural laterality battery: A pre-registered study” by A. J. Parker, Z. V. Woodhead, P. A. Thompson, and D. V. Bishop, 2021, Laterality, 26.
The participants used emotional emoticons to indicate the emotion they believed to be depicted by the facial stimuli. In the practice trial, two emoticons were used, which illustrated the emotions fear and surprise. In the experimental trial, a further four emoticons were used, which illustrated the emotions happiness, sadness, disgust and anger. The emoticons used were taken from Oleszkiewicz et al. (2017), as it was found that children aged between 4- and 8-years-old were able to accurately assign emotions to these emoticons. See Figure 3 for the emoticons used in the experimental trial.
Figure 3.The Emoticon Stimuli used in the Experimental Trial of the Chimeric Face Task
Note. The emoticon stimuli selected by the child participants to indicate which emotion they believed the facial stimuli to be depicting. The emotions depicted by the emoticons, from left to right, are; anger, disgust, happiness and sadness. Adapted from “Children can accurately recognize facial emotions from emoticons” by in A. Oleszkiewicz, T. Frackowiak, A. Sorokowska, and P. Sorokowski, 2017, Computers in Human Behavior, 76, p. 373.
Procedure. The procedure used derives from Parker et al. (2021), however, it has been adapted accordingly for its use with children. The chimeric face task was administered remotely via Microsoft Teams, a video collaboration platform. The virtual meeting was only accessible by the participant and the researcher, via a unique uniform resource locator, meeting ID and passcode. The chimeric face task could be completed on a laptop, computer or electronic tablet, and participants were required to share their screen to allow for the delivery of verbal instructions. Children were accompanied by an adult family member who was asked to refrain from engaging in any verbal and non-verbal communication with their child during completion of the task.
Prior to administration of instructions, participants completed an estimation of screen size. This involved placing a 8.56cm X 5.39cm card onto the screen and dragging a bar until the size of the card on the screen corresponded with the physical card possessed by the participant. This was to ensure that all instructions and stimuli were presented as the same size to all participants. Instructions were administered visually to the child participants, using visual-graphic symbols, example screens and visual stimuli taken from the study, to ensure that the child’s understanding of the task was not compounded by their language ability. The visual instructions were accompanied by verbal instructions, that omitted the use of vocabulary that would not typically be understood by children aged between 5- and 10-years-old. Following administration of the instructions, participants were familiarised to two symmetrically averaged faces depicting the emotions fear and surprise, and their corresponding emoticons, which would be used in the practice trial. During completion of the practice trial participants were exposed to each symmetrically averaged face and each chimeric face, twice, meaning they were exposed to a total of 8 stimuli. The practice trial was employed to acquaint the child to the procedure used in the experimental trial.
Following the practice trial, participants were familiarised to the symmetrically averaged faces that comprised the chimeric faces used in the experimental trial, as well as their corresponding emoticons. These faces, and emoticons, depicted the emotions happiness, sadness, anger and disgust. Participants were verbally informed of the emotion depicted by stimuli and were instructed to click ‘next’ or indicate to their parent when they felt they had familiarised themselves with the stimuli presented. Participants were familiarised to the stimuli to ensure they knew which emotion each face and emoticon represented. The experimental trial was composed of four blocks. In each block the participants were exposed to the four symmetrically averaged faces, and the 14 chimeric faces, twice, meaning they were exposed to 32 stimuli per block, and 128 stimuli in total. Participants were exposed to the symmetrically averaged faces to assess their recognition of the emotion, and to the chimeric faces to determine the strength of their hemispheric lateralisation for facial emotion processing.
Before being exposed to the stimuli participants were asked to fixate on a white cross in the middle of the screen for 1000ms to ensure the child was looking directly at the facial stimuli when it appeared. This was important as the facial stimuli was only presented for 400ms. Following the presentation of each facial stimulus the participants had 10400ms to provide a response before automatically advancing to the next screen. All participants were instructed to “decide how the face is feeling and click on/point to/touch the emoji that shows that feeling”. The instruction provided differed depending on whether the child was responding using an electronic mouse, touch screen device, or by pointing and having their parent select the response for them. The latter of which was used for children who did not have access to a touch screen device, and who were not yet able to independently control an electronic mouse.
At three intervals during the chimeric face task, children were provided with the opportunity to take a break. During this break children received verbal praise and encouragement, the duration of the break was determined by the child. Administration of the chimeric face task took approximately 20-40 minutes.
Scoring. A laterality index was calculated for each child, to determine their strength of lateralisation for facial emotion processing. The laterality index was calculated by calculating the number of times the participant selected the emoticon corresponding with the emotion depicted on the right and left side of the face. The following sum was then computed for each participant 100 X (No. of right hemiface responses – No. of left hemiface responses)/(No. of right hemispace responses + No. of left hemiface responses).
Study Procedure
Ethical approval was obtained from the Lancaster University Department of Psychology Ethics Committee. Consent was received from all schools who agreed to distribute the study information to parents. Parental consent was obtained on behalf of all child participants, and oral consent was sought from the child participants during the virtual meeting.
The study was comprised of two parts, the first of which required parents to complete a series of questionnaires to provide a measure of the child’s demographic information, level of empathy, and autism severity. Parents were first presented with the demographic questionnaire to determine which additional questionnaires they were required to complete. If the parent’s responses on the demographic questionnaire indicated that their child had a diagnosis of ASD, then they were directed to, and required to complete, the EQ-Child and AQ-Child. If the parent’s response denoted that their child did not have a diagnosis of ASD they were only directed to, and required to complete, the EQ-Child. All questionnaires were completed on Gorilla (www.gorilla.sc), a cloud-based software platform for collecting data in the behavioural sciences (Anwyl-Irvine et al., 2020). All participants therefore completed the questionnaires remotely, on a personal electronic device. The questionnaires were compatible with a range of technological equipment, including a laptop, computer, electronic tablet and mobile phone.
Following successful completion of the required questionnaires, parents received an email arranging a convenient date and time for their child to complete the second part of the study, which required their child to complete the chimeric face task. The data collected during completion of the chimeric face task was linked to the parental questionnaire responses via a unique participant ID code, which was allocated to parents following confirmation of participation. Following completion of the chimeric face task, a debrief sheet and certificate was sent to the parent’s email address.


Lancaster University






Ching Yee Pang
Aleeza Sulaman













Dr Margriet Groen

Project Level



Cognitive, Developmental

Sample Size

The final sample of participants consisted of 16 children aged between 5- and 10-years-old, of which 5 had received a formal diagnosis of ASD (5 boys; Mage = 6.8, SDage = 1.48). The remaining participants were 11 typically developing children (6 girls, 5 boys; Mage = 7.0, SDage = 1.90), who had not been diagnosed with any neurodevelopmental disorders.

Statistical Analysis Type

Linear Mixed Effects Modelling



Lydia Brooks, “Hemispheric Lateralisation of Facial Emotion Processing: A Possible Explanation of Atypical Empathetic Responses in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder,” LUSTRE, accessed April 29, 2024, https://www.johnntowse.com/LUSTRE/items/show/196.